How to Cure a Mine Monster by Brittany Plumeri, Zuzana Svobodova (illustrator)

Rating: 5 out of 5.

I chose this book because both of my chillens are mine monsters sometimes. That and the illustrations on the cover are just too adorbs!!! Since my youngest was already in bed, I got to read this with just my five year old. 

Before I get into anything else, I want to say that I absolutely love children’s books that are more interactive. This helps my five year old sit still and listen because he wants to do what the book asks of him. It also helps him focus on the book rather than losing focus and moves on to something else.

But, back to the illustrations… we thought they were just sooo cute!!! Probably the cutest monsters we’ve seen since Sesame Street!! The bright colors are very attention grabbing. 

The reason I love this is because it shows very real instances that we have definitely experienced ourselves. My son was able to correlate those mine monster moments and tell me that he doesn’t want to be a mine monster. Of course, this is not a cure all, and he will surely forget how to behave, like tomorrow, but, having read it with him, I will hopefully be able to help navigate those times also.

I do recommend this to any parent that has a mine monster in their homes. A valuable lesson wrapped in a fun book.