Welcome to my blog!! I’m an avid reader and sort of a writer, but I’m mostly just a wife and a mom of two amazing boys. I mean, not just that, I’m a lot of other stuff too; half Korean, sister, daughter, bi, ADHD and I have anxiety, depression, and the list could go on and on. And fyi, that list isn’t in order if what’s most important although the anxiety and depression are probably still last.

Anyway, I love to do a lot of stuff, but I’ve come to find, over the past few years, I especially like writing reviews and sharing my love of books with others. Thankfully, I enjoy most genres and tend to read just about anything I can get my hands on. Including my favorites, Young Adult, Horror, Science Fiction, Thriller, graphic novels, and Middle Grade. But I’m definitely not limited to those genres! If you hang in there, you’ll find that I will read everything that sounds interesting or that someone recommends to me. 

I do review books from NetGalley, increasingly more so this year. I just love getting ARCs!! Who doesn’t want to read something before everyone else does!?!?

Please note that I am always honest in my reviews, but I try to be nice about it. I also curse, but not in excess and only if it is appropriate and a book that is YA or older. If you have a request for a review, please note that I am not accepting requests at this time.

If you’d like to chat books or have a question, please feel free to message me on GoodReads or email me.

GoodReads Profile: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/32384337-shannara

50 Book Reviews

Reviews Published


Professional Reader