Happy Anniversary to me!!!

This Saturday is my wedding anniversary!!! We haven’t had time to celebrate each anniversary, which is why I’d at least like to call attention to it this year. It’s our sixth and we’ve barely had the time or the ability to go out to eat, especially because last year we were on COVID lockdown. So we’re at least going out without our two chillens.

But!!! I also want to do something fun here. So I’ll be posting my favorite pics of us and I’ll post my top three favorite books that have at least some focus of romance and love. The photo I chose today is actually from our honeymoon which we spent at Disney World and Universal Studios. It was just an amazing time and while I did take my kindle, I had no energy at the end of the day to read anything!!! Which means we had the best time ever!! We both want to go back soooo much!! Someday. When our kiddo are a bit older.

Anyway, without further ado, I chose Night of Cake & Puppets by Laini Taylor. This is just a perfect fit for my first one because every great love deserves a fantastic beginning. Your romantic origin story. And let’s face it, Zuzana and Mik have such a romantic start. I’d like to think my hubs and I had a great beginning too, but I won’t get into that right now. Anyway, stay tuned for tomorrow for the next pic and book choice!!!