Dear Evan Hansen by Val Emmich, Steven Levenson, & Benj Pasek

I don’t try to hide that I have depression, anxiety, or that I’m bipolar. What I do though, is lie about how bad it is sometimes. Like right now…I’m at a low, but hoping to come back up. I saw the trailer for Dear Evan Hansen and I was sad and happy all at once. Prior to seeing the trailer, I had only seen the book on the shelves of bookstores and I vaguely remember that it’s a musical.

This trailer crushed me for a moment there because I know so few who are willing to share how they truly feel. I’m good or I’m fine is the standard response to someone who asks how you’re doing. Even I do that. I’m fine. But I always think, what if I told the truth and said I was dying inside, please help me. I know or at least feel like I know that people would feel uncomfortable and probably wouldn’t want to be around me anymore. Then here comes this three and a half minute trailer comes along and at the same time it’s crushing me, it also gives me hope. There are those out there that feel the same way I do. I’m not alone.

I’ve decided I must read this book immediately and I’m going to post the updates of that here. Coming from someone who is emotionally damaged, I feel like it may be good to share those feelings, even if no one reads my words. So if you haven’t seen the preview, I’ve added the link above. I hope at least someone joins me in my quest to not feel so broken.

I failed to mention that Amazon was temporarily sold out, but!!! Good news is, my copy is coming tomorrow!!!! I’m not saying I won’t be reading anything else in the meantime, but it may be difficult to concentrate on other books. Just sayin.

#dearevanhansen #depression #bipolar