This was such a great read. I would have binged it had I not gotten COVID and been laid up for a few days. Neil Gaiman is one of my favorite authors of mine and I happen to love comics and graphic novels. So putting the two together just seemed perfect.
The art was such a wonderful compliment to Gaiman’s writing. The characters came alive in a way that really made this a special read. I was sucked in and stopped to stare at many of the drawings. I especially love death, she was fun to see. Basically, you can have the story without the drawings and vice versa, but you’d be missing out if you had one without the other.
Gaiman just has a way with words that takes you straight into the story and you feel completely immersed in the characters and their lives. This is no news to me because just about everything of Gaiman’s I’ve read has been an experience to cherish. I don’t generally reread books too often, but I think I’ll be revisiting these before too long. How can I not?? I loved this and I can’t wait to keep going!!!
I highly recommend this to Neil Gaiman fans, lovers of graphic novels/comics, or those who enjoy it when the bad guys get their comeuppance. Now excuse me, I’m off to download the next one in the series even though I have to get up early in the morning. It’s just too good to stop now!