Ash & Thorne: Volume One: Recipe For Disaster by Mariah McCourt

Let’s face it, the cover pulled me in because… well, old ladies and a huge monster?!?! Sign me up!!! And I do not regret reading this one bit!! In fact, I loved it! The characters were hilarious, the bad guy was gross, and the storyline was just too entertaining! 

Our main character, Lottie, is honestly just the shit. She’s old, but that doesn’t stop her from having the most awesome hair and from being totally badass. Her personality is just the best though. She’s snarky, independent, smart, and funny as hell. Actually, I burst out laughing frequently. The side characters are also fun and include a pain in the butt fae who likes to point out everything that’s going wrong. He just cracks me up!! 

I cannot wait for there to be more volumes of Ash and Thorn. There was lots of action and fun in this and I hope we can expect more to come!! This is definitely a graphic novel that I recommend to those who are interested in hilarious stories about saving the world. Or also Golden Girls, cause Lottie is like a Golden Girl who can kick some serious butt. And I totally support that!!! 

Thank you so much to NetGalley and Ahoy Comics for allowing me to read this for my honest and unbiased opinion.