An Exciting ARC day!!!!!

I’m so super psyched about the ARCs that I just got today!!!! Usually, I request about 5-10 books at a time because I’m used to the declines. Which is what it is. But today… today, the ARC gods have smiled upon me and I suddenly have eight!!! And that’s just on NetGalley. One of those books is by…. wait for it…. Sylvia Moreno-Garcia and the title is Velvet Was the Night. If you recall, she wrote Mexican Gothic. Which is a great read!

I cannot believe I was blessed to get this one!! That’s not the only one I have gotten. So now, I have eight books to review for NetGalley, one for BookSirens, and twelve from author or publishers. I’m soooo beyond psyched to get into all of these. Usually I request and get declined so quickly that I’m having to cut down on how upset I get.

But this also means that my other books will be totally neglected for a while. And some of them are calling out to me, “don’t read those, we are much more appealing. I joined Owlcrate last year and I’m seriously behind on those. I sometimes get Once Upon a Book Club boxes, which are amazing in case you haven’t heard. And of course I am a member of Book of the month Club.

If I weren’t already married, I’d become the crazy book lady who crams so many books in the house that they started to become furniture. Thankfully, since I’m married that will not come to pass. Probably…

While I’m here, I also want to give a quick bookcases update. I haven’t finished the whole bookcase, but I am done with one!!!

That is a thing of magic and love!!! I can’t wait till I’m done decorating these in my jumbled yet totally me way. Since I decided to give a couple of updates about my book life, I thought I’d share a couple pics of my non-book life.

This is my lovely Lady!!
He’s clearly not at all spoiled…

Lady was totally named after Disney’s Lady and the Tramp. The original cartoon movie of course. And the pitiful looking one is Logan, which we named him after the Wolverine. He was such a quick and wild thing when we first got him. Now that we know him better, we call him Eeyore-dog cause he’s that pitiful.

That’s about it for now. I’ll be back to the reviews tomorrow! So on that note I’ll leave you with a quote, “I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of stars makes me dream”. ~~Vincent Van Gogh~~