Reading Slump Squashed

How to stop a Reading Slump

All those books behind me might as well not even be there if I’m in a reading slump. And that is a sad, sad thing to think about. But we’ve all been there at one time or another. Perhaps you read a crappy book or you’re just stressed out. Then suddenly, you aren’t reading anything and you may be upset about it. I’m sure lots of people don’t mind a slump here or there, but for me, I become miserable.

So what do you do in times like these?!?! I have a six tips that usually help me get out of a slump.

  1. Take a break. Yes, I know, I just said I hate that, but there will be times that you need some time away from even your favorite hobbies. If you take a break on purpose, you won’t feel bad about it. Then go do something else you enjoy. Binge watch some Netflix shows, or knit some mittens. I don’t know, just do something that gives you joy for a while.
  2. Choose a favorite book to reread. Perhaps you’re in a slump because you haven’t read anything fabulous in a while. This can happen at any time because we all know, not every book is an award winner!! Rereading a favorite can remind you of why you started loving books in the first place.
  3. Peruse Goodreads for something new and exciting to enjoy. Platforms like Goodreads are there for a reason. People who love books share what they love with others. So scroll through your feed for something new and exciting. Who knows, you may find your next favorite read!!
  4. Change the scenery. Sometimes it’s as simple as adjusting where you are for you to enjoy reading all over again. While there is something to be said about sitting in your favorite chair and snuggling up with a book, there are countless options of other places to devour a good read. Strangely, I’ve found the zoo is an awesome place to read. Not sure why, but try it sometime!!
  5. Find a reading partner. If you have no one to share your love of books, it can fall flat at times. For me it’s very discouraging when I read something amazing and no one around me has read it too. It’s hard to beg someone to read a book when you’re already done with it. So find a buddy to read it with you. Almost like a book club, but one other person will do just fine. Then you can fan gush about it with your buddy!!! Much more satisfying!!!
  6. Watch a movie that was originally a book first. I know, some people just “have” to read the book first, but you may find it’s enjoyable to do it the other way around. Find a highly recommended movie that was made from a good book and watch that. You may get so into it that you’ll feel like getting into the book itself, or other books of the same genre.

I hope these tips and tricks help you get out of that reading slump if/ when you get to one. How do you get out of a reading slump? If you’d like to share, please leave a comment below. I’d love to know!!

Thanks and happy reading!!!