Rabbits by Terry Miles

Terry Miles Rabbits Review Cover

Rating: 5 out of 5.

It took about two days to sort out my brain, fluff it back up after it was blown away by this book!!!! It kind of reminded me of Blake Crouch’s Recursion, but with video games, coffee, and clues. This kept my interest throughout, but I’ll admit I felt dumb for a huge portion of this story. I just felt like I had no idea what was going on!!!! All I knew was that I liked it!!! Trying to follow along with each clue was impossible, but such fun!! 

K was the best protagonist and his memory and crazy journey through this book were just like a car accident. I could not stop staring!! K’s friends were great additions and just about everyone who made an appearance in this was important. There were no wasted words. 

Terry Miles Rabbits Review Cover

*****And small quoted mild spoiler here…this is quite possibly my most favorite sentence ever, “As we ran across the street, Chloe reached out and grabbed my hand—and, for just a moment, I felt like I was living in a normal world, like Chloe and I were a regular couple running across a street in the rain toward a warm table in a cozy bistro, not a couple of game-obsessed lunatics rushing toward a porn shop basement in order to ask a crossbow-wielding shut-in to help us win a deadly game that might be the only thing keeping the multiverse together.”  

I seriously recommend this to science fiction lovers, vintage video game lovers, Blake Crouch fans, and those who like a book to take your brain and shake it up a bit. This was some intense good fun.

Thank you so much to NetGalley, Random House Publishing Group- Ballantine, and Terry Miles for allowing me to read this for my honest and unbiased opinion. Sooo good!!!!

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