Bipolar Reading Habits

Cause, I’m bipolar…

So I’ve been diagnosed as bipolar for about three or four years now. “Does being bipolar affect your reading habits?” You ask. I’m so glad you brought that up! Yes, I would say, hell yeah it does.

I’m a mood reader. I’m sure you’ve heard that phrase being thrown around, but I seriously struggle to get through something if I don’t feel like reading it. I’ll get into reading something like, graphic novels, and I’ll binge them until I suddenly don’t feel like reading those anymore and won’t pick up one for months. The same can be said about any genre, subject, or even author.

I can tell when I’m in a down swing because I’ll stop reading. Period. It gets to be the point where I’m trying to force myself into reading again, but it’s nearly impossible to shake until my mood rises again. These are rough times, my friend. Sometimes books can help with getting my depression to ease up, but other times, I just have to wait it out. Bookless. (<yeah I made that word up, but it should be added to the dictionary.)

The books that I read most these days are advanced readers copies (arcs) and in doing so, I write reviews on those books. Well, really on anything that I read, but I find it most important to review the arcs. But when I’m getting sad and low, I just can’t seem to write anything. Let alone an intelligible critique on a book that deserves my full, not depressed attention. This includes writing blog posts, but I digress.

It sounds like I have all these negative reading habits due to being bipolar, but that’s definitely not the case. I haven’t mentioned what happens when I’m in a manic state and in the mood to read… I can devour all of the books. Read in every moment that I find, and just surround myself with words. It’s really quite fun because I get sooooo much reading done. During these times, I have to have a physical book, a digital book on my kindle, something else I’m reading on my phone, an audiobook, and I can’t forget a graphic novel of some kind. Just in case I have a minute where I can read, I have to have a book with me 24/7.

There are pluses and minuses to being a bipolar book lover, but I’d have to say I’m ready to find the right medication combination for me. Sign me up for that awesome time when I don’t have angry and irritable phases that I can’t seem to read during. Until that time, however, I guess I’ll settle for binge reading and writing when I can. So excuse me, I’ve got some words to read now!