The Lake of Souls (Cirque du Freak #10) by, Darren Shan

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Once again, Darren Shan has done it! This installment is an interesting and fun read. I am enjoying reading about Darren and how mature he has gotten. But… I’m still a bit mad with the death of one of my favorite characters. 

Still, this one is really good. The setting comes into play in this one and it’s crazy, but totally awesome!! And I’m also super happy about Ralph Lister being the narrator again. There’s just something in his voice that makes this series all the better!

I’m pretty sure I said this previously, but I’m keeping this review on the shorter side because I want to review the whole series once I’m done. 

So without further ago… of course I recommend this to readers!! Those who like a good dash of fantasy, friendship, and craziness, then this is for you!! But do start at the beginning or else you’ll be uber confused.